Saturday, February 25, 2012

"Strength & Grace"

For the past several months I have been working on a personal project - one that is definitely quite a departure from the majority of work that I typically share of weddings, engagements and family portraiture. This series is very close to me as its become a sort of culmination of two extremely important and influential things in my life: photography and athletics. And my family has played a huge role in introducing and encouraging the development of both of them throughout my entire life.

This series, titled "Strength & Grace" showcases several different women of varying ages and athletic backgrounds. Many of which I initially met through my CrossFit training over the past year and a half. There is so much I would love to share about each of these women, but will do that in a later post. For now, please enjoy the images - more to come soon.


















1 comment:

Lauren said...

These photos are absolutely breathtaking. Beautiful. Strong. I am so blessed to be a woman! Thanks for these pictures!!!